implant dentistry

we do the whole sequence from start to finish

Implants are the preferred choice for replacing missing teeth these days. We keep up to date with the latest science and technologies to give you the best long-term solution for your mouth and smile.

placing the implant screw

This is often called the surgical implant placement visit. After meticulous planning related to your specific situation, we can place the screw accurately in the site of the missing tooth. This is a surprisingly easy and comfortable procedure for the patient, both during and afterwards.

For implants being placed in cosmetic or visible areas, we may be able make a temporary crown to fit the just placed implant screw. If this is possible for you, you'll be smiling confidently immediately.

placing the implant tooth 

The process of attaching an implant tooth crown or bridge to the implant screw(s) commencing approximately 3 months after the screw is initially placed. It needs time to allow it to develop strength in your jaw. We have extensive experience in achieving the best cosmetic and functional outcome for your mouth and smile. You'll be delighted with the finished masterpiece.