Preventive dentistry and check-ups for every stage of life

Oral or dental disease is the most common health condition on the planet. Yet much of it is entirely preventable with the right information, good home care, helpful lifestyle habits and at least a yearly visit to dental professionals such as us.

Prevention is the cheapest form of dentistry we can provide. 

dental check-ups or examinations

Our principal dentist, Dr Gordon Howe, is highly skilled and experienced in assessing and detecting any signs or symptoms of oral disease. He will assess your risk factors for potential problems and recommend evidence-based treatment to reduce your risk of future oral disease. 


Commonly known as "X-rays", these pictures offer a "see-through" view of your jaws and teeth. They allow us to see into areas that can be difficult or impossible for us to view clinically in your mouth. They pick up problems like early tooth decay or bone loss associated with gum disease, and can reveal rare pathological problems that occasionally manifest in jaw bones and other associated structures.

We use digital X-rays at Annandale Village Dentistry, so you can be reassured that the dose of radiation is exceptionally low.

Our FAQ section has information about ionising radiation dosages from dental X-rays.


We have the latest diagnostic technology, for your benefit. This hi-tech camera uses fluorescence to look deep inside your teeth without radiation! With this technology, we can pick up problems such as cracks and early decay in the teeth, in some instances better than radiographs. What's more, it's perfectly safe during pregnancy and for children. Decay can often be reversed without the need for fillings, when detected early enough. Definitely something to be excited about!

The KaVo DIAGNOcam is a compact and mobile device for caries detection. It uses DIFOTI Technology (Digital Imaging Fiber Optic Transillumination) to illuminate the tooth. It supports the diagnosis of occlusal, interproximal and secondary caries as well as cracks. More information:


The DIAGNOcam is just part of our minimum intervention dentistry strategy. The drill is always our last choice. We prefer wherever possible to practice prevention. In many cases we can even reverse dental and gum disease through early intervention. Working with you, we can explore strategies to keep your teeth at their best without any unnecessary invasive techniques.


Oral Cancer SCreening

Oral cancer is in the top twenty most prevalent forms of cancer in the world. Smoking combined with regular alcohol consumption over many years is the most common cause, but there are other reasons too. Picked up early, it can be treated, but often we dental professionals find it too late in people who don't get regular dental checks. 

We look for oral cancer at every dental examination appointment for your peace of mind.


There's certainly plenty of debate about whether fluoride is beneficial or not. The science and our years of clinical experience confirm the beneficial preventive effects of this naturopathic supplement against tooth decay and gum disease.

We like to routinely use it in our practice, but you always have a choice. We offer sodium and potassium varieties as well as in a range of nice flavours. No more gagging on fluoride trays, we like to paint the fluoride carefully onto the teeth because it's both more comfortable and more accurate. Just let us know your personal preference.

Fissure protection

These are protective adhesive coatings that can be placed in the grooves of your back teeth. Often the enamel doesn't form properly at the base of those grooves; or they can be very narrow and deep making it impossible to keep clean. These teeth are at high risk of decay, especially when they first come into the mouth. 

We like to place these in kids teeth as soon as possible after they erupt into the mouth. We often place them in adults too, if we can see the teeth are at risk of decay, or previous fissure coatings placed in childhood have worn out. Scientific studies confirm how successful this treatment is in helping to keep molar teeth filling-free throughout life.